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The Company’s Party Committee Launched the Event of “I Add Glory to the Party Flag” among Party Memb

In order to earnestly fulfill the duties and tasks stipulated in the Party Constitution, the Company’s Party Committee firmly grasped the concept that the party work of non-public enterprises should “serve the masses of employees” and “serve the development of enterprises”, gave full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and launched the event of “I Add Glory to the Party Flag”. This event not only strengthened the sense of honor and sense of responsibility of party members as a flag, but also placed party members under the supervision of the masses, and achieved good results.

公司黨委在黨員中開展 “我為黨旗添光彩”活動(圖1)

公司黨委在黨員中開展 “我為黨旗添光彩”活動(圖2)

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