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The Company’s General Party Branch, Labor Union, and Communist Youth League Jointly Launched an Init

On June 2, 2016, the General Party Branch Committee of Anshan Tianxing Investment Group of the Communist Party of China, the Communist Youth League Committee of Anshan Tianxing Investment Group, and the Labor Union of Anshan Tianxing International Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. jointly issued a written proposal entitled Tianxing and I Share Destiny, Gather Strength to Create Brilliance to the employees of the Group Company. The main contents of the proposal are to firmly establish “four examples”, namely: first, firmly establish the standard awareness, and strive to be an example of obedience; second, firmly establish the learning awareness, and strive to be an example of innovation and striving for the best; third, firmly establish the dedication awareness, and strive to be an example of dedication to work; fourth, firmly establish the saving awareness, and strive to be an example of diligence, thriftiness and self-discipline.


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